Hello today on my ssr (Somthing Silent reading) it's not somthing but anyways I was reading about drama by Raina Telgemeier she's an wonderful author, so far I've read smile it was an joyful book ok ok I don't want to spoil the book but if you have already read this amazing book well it's about this girl named Raina oh boy when I was up to this part I felt so terrible for her so anyways her and her friend were running towards Raina house and it was dark so there were running then her friend was in the lead but Raina tried to grab her but she tripped and she hit her adult teeth on the ground and it went straight in to her gums and it was brutal there was blood all over the place it was horrible.
Some of the bits of the adults teeth came off so there took her to the dentist and she got an x-ray and he could see the teeth in her gum and Raina said that her life was ruin but later on her teeth were back to normal,but she had to go to the dentist and get braces on her teeth to keep the teeth straight and she went to school and she liked this boy called Sammy and he had braces aswell but afterwards he asked if Raina to come to the school dance because it was Valentines on the school dance day also Sammy was going to give Raina a gift on that day but Raina wasn't there she was going to go in but she felt dizzy and wrong so she went home and then the next day Sammy was upset to not see Raina there but Sammy still gave the gift to her still which was to kind of him but there broke up and the she still liked Sammy but there never seen getothe ever since then but she still like this boy called Sean this was when she liked him in ninth grad she liked him but Sean never knew but afterwards she didn't like Sean or Sammy because she had these cool friends that were kind to her and she forgot about them and later on her teeth were back to normal,you girls and boy's should read this book it's an comic by the way.
I'll end it here and do another one about drama this time and the you all for watching PEACE!!
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