
Thursday, November 5, 2020

Reflection About My Lesson (ISLAM)

 Today Room 7 and I learnt more about the culture Arabic and our Student Teacher called Ayub she is from Pakistan and she believes in Allah which is a god that she worships and respect. She also teach us the alphabet in Islam, Thank You Mr Ayub.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Kiwi Can Lesson

 Today for our Kiwi Can lesson we started by discussing our new theme which is Respect and then we jump into our energizer which was heads up after that we discuss our new topic which is Respecting our school then we played our activity which was 3 values after that we had JKQ. I really enjoyed this kiwi can lesson!!!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Building A Sundial!!

Today my activity that I chosen to do was the sundial, A sundial works kinda like a clock when the sun shines at the sundial shadows appear and you use the shadow to tell time,

These Are What You're Going To Need:

1. Cardboard.

2. Blu Tac.

3. Pencil.

4 Scissors.

5. Marker.

6. String 

7. Ruler.

This Is What My Sundial Looks Like:

After finishing my sundial It turned out to be perfect. My sundial works just like a perfectly like a clock.

I Really enjoyed making my sundial it did take a lot of time but wasn't that difficult but I was really proud of how it turned out.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

My Reading Activities

Me, Me and Me by Renata Hopkins

Why do you think Nina’s parents did not want her to have a phone?

Because she might get cyberbully or she’ll cyberbully someone.

What were the motivations for Nina to buy a phone?

Because she was the four of the people that didn’t have one.

What did Nina do to earn  money to buy her phone?

She vacuumed, Cleaned bird poo and scrubbed her grandma's windows. 

How old do you think Nina is?


Why do you think this text was written?

To be careful when you have a phone.

Who is the text written for? What ages and why?

Ages 5-10 because they’re too immature of the internet.

Would a college student learn a lesson from this text? What would the lesson be?

Yes because he should have known better on the internet. The college student should have known about being cybersmart.

Is Nina cybersmart? What supports your answer?

Yes because She sold her phone and never bought another one.

Were Nina’s parents responsible parents? Why?

No because they tried to stall her from getting one.

Write down the pros and cons of having a phone for your age



That I am responsible Having A Phone.

I  might go on Pizza Hub

That I Know the right thing to do.

I’ll not be cybersmart.

That I Am Cybersmart.

I’ll might post or comment mean things

That I won’t do any thing stupid.

I might get viruses.

That I won't comment or post anything inappropriate. 

I’ll be irresponsible. 

Write down what Nina could have done to ensure she was responsible with using her phone

That she wouldn’t stay on her phone for too long.

2 That she wouldn’t be a cyberbully and comment nasty things.

3 That she was given a talk about what she shouldn’t be doing  on her phone.

4 Tell Someone about Me Me

5 Ignore the text.

If you were to give advice to Nina, what would it be?

I Would tell her about being cybersmart and not cyberbullying.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

PB4L - Keeping Our self Safe!!

 Today Room 7 discussed how to keep our self safe from COVID-19 and the differences between how many cases we have and how many other countries have. 

Volume And Capacity


This Were Answers.

1. ML, L, KL.

2. 1000, 1000.

3. 1.500ML

4. 5

5. Bath Tub

6. True

7. Spa Pool 

8. 12


10.Rugby Field

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Kiwi Can Reflection

 Today Room 7 and I had a Kiwi Can lesson, our theme was integrity and our topic was accountability. First off we discussed out theme then move on to our energizer which 21. after that we discussed our topic then we activity which was groups. after that are lesson was almost over so we ended it some JKQ and some riddles.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Act Of Kindness!!

Yesterday we were given name to choose a gift for someone Today which is called Act Of Kindness aka Secret Santa, I was picked by Kue'a and I received Snikers Chocolate!!! 

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Worm Found In Woman's Tonsil After Complaining About Having A Sore Throat.

A 4cm long worm was discovered inside a woman's tonsil. The woman thought it had come from eating raw fish. The woman had felt an unpleasant sensation at the back of the throat and thought that a cold was on the way. The worm, which was 38mm long and 1mm wide, was still alive after being retrieved from the woman’s left tonsil. the worm was identified as a nematode roundworm. that can infect people who eat raw fish or meat.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

How To Make a French Toast

  • How To Make French Toast.

  • Equipment:    

  • Bowl 
  • Pan 
  • Whisk
  • Flipper.
  • Ingredients:
  • 4 eggs
  • 4 tablespoons of milk
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon 
  • ½ of vanilla essence
  • 1 teaspoon margarine or oil for cooking. 
  • 8 slices of bread.
  • Method:
  • In a bowl, mix together eggs, milk, cinnamon, and vanilla essence.
  • Heat the margarine or oil in a non-stick frying pan over medium heat 
  • Dip bread one piece at a time into the egg mixture. Coat both sides as well
  • Put bread in a hot pan and cook for 2 to 3 minutes on each sides or until golden. You should be able to cook 2 or 3 pieces at a time depending on the size of your pan.
  • Repeat with remaining slices of bread (add a little more oil if needed between batches)
  • French Toast | RecipeTin EatsEasy French toast recipe | BBC Good FoodClassic French Toast - Tastes Better From Scratch

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

My Origin Of Life Chart

                         Here is my Origin Of Life chart

Monday, July 20, 2020

Differences and Similarities.

Here Is the differences and the similarities between human and apes 

Monday, June 22, 2020

Maths Created By: Walter

Today My group and I work on a independent math work created by Kate from Maniaiakalani. It was bit challenging  for me to solve but I give it my best try. I really enjoyed working out this problems but here was the most difficult one for me!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Writing Reflection!!

Today My group and I discuss about the equipment and seeds that is required for our winter garden like what tools we need, where to plant it, and what we're going to need for planting. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Factions DLO

Here is how my friends and I work out factions!!


President Donald Trump has announced that the United States of America is removing itself from the World Health Organisation.

He said he is doing this because the WHO has failed to deal with the coronavirus pandemic and it has become biased towards China.
Earlier this month President Trump froze all U.S. funding to the WHO.
The U.S. gives the WHO approximately $450 million a year. China meanwhile pays approximately $50 million a year — although Beijing had recently announced a $2 billion injection of funds.
Trump has accused China of not passing on truthful information about COVID-19.

Behind Trump's demand to reopen churches: Slipping poll numbers ...

Kawakawa plant!

                                             Today I worked on a info sheet about the Kawakawa plant

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Anzac Biscuits!!

                                 Today I Have Made ANZAC Biscuits
                                           Here They Are!!

Here's The Recipe!!
  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 1 cup Shredded coconut
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 125 g butter
  • 2 Tbsp golden syrup
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 2 Tbsp boiling water
    1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Lightly grease a baking tray or line with baking
    2. Combine the oats, coconut, flour, and sugar together in a large bowl.
    3. Melt the butter and golden syrup together. Dissolve the baking soda in the boiling water and add to the butter mixture. Pour the butter mixture into the dry ingredients and mix together.
    4. Roll a tablespoon into balls and place on the tray, allowing room for them to spread.
    5. Bake for 12-15 minutes, cooking one tray at a time.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


A Museum named Weta Workshop has a groundbreaking exhibition that tells the story of the Gallipoli campaign in World War I through the eyes and words of eight ordinary New Zealanders who found themselves in extraordinary circumstances. This Museum has giant sculptures that took a staggering 24,000 hours to create, and countless hours were spent researching their rich histories. Each is captured frozen in a moment of time on a monumental scale 2.4 times human size. 

Gallipoli: The scale of our war: Exhibition design & manufacture ...

Kiwi Kids News!!

A Man named Jeff Reitz has visited Disneyland 3000 days in a row!! he began his journey on 2012 but after his streak stop because of COVID-19. During his working week Reitz would get off work around 3:30, go to Disneyland, I’d get parked around 4:30 or so, then walk over to the park, so I’d get into the gates right around 5. On average he would stay 3-5 hours a day.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Activity 1!

Our Teacher has shared a google docs with blogging activities and to complete this Smart Learner Blog Challenge use what you are learning to create a Digital Learning Object. this is activity 2 I'm going to leave activity 1 for last, but for this activity I have to take a photo of any art you have created this year and insert the photo in a blog post.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Nellie The Elephant!

An elephant named Nellie was a performer at a circus, she was enjoying her time there until her home was annihilated by flames of fire. 

Therefore, she packed her stuff and her favourite peanuts for the road then she said goodbye   and began her journey to find a new one.

Lonely, afraid and exhausted she gave up. She fell onto the floor sobbing. She lost everything: her home, her friends, everything. But there was a glimmer of green from the distant land that wasn’t touched a bit from the fire. This land cheered her up again, maybe there is hope after all. 

By Ezekiel

Maths Work 3

Maths Work 2

Maths Work!!

Why I Would Like To Go Polyfest!!

Dear Mrs Tofa

I really want to go to the polyfest because I have never ever experienced what it’s like to be there. I want to go and see my friends and family perform there as well. I also want to see other schools dance, sing and win trophies. For the past years I’ve seen young teenagers show their talent and it’s really cool to watch them show their talent. While we are there we can learn about new cultures, meet new people/friends. I’ll say polyfest is a really experience for everyone to mingle together. In poly you see heaps of different cultures, it's cool because they have really creative costumes which represent their cultures.

Image result for polyfest

6 Sentence Startes!

Perlia quickly woke up, since she saw how late she was for school.

Who do you think is the most powerful super villain?

After school, we played black ops.

She was Running home before it started to rain.

Excited about Christmas, she woke up very early.

Beside the road, a car broke down; .


You Can Use This Strategy for maths!!

 259 + 532 = 

200 + 500 = 700
50 + 30 = 80 
9 + 2 = 11

Then you do:
700 + 80 + 11 = 791!!


Emoji Maths!!

Monday, March 9, 2020

Alien Abduction!

My Group And I Worked On A Animation Called Alien Abduction. Enjoy.

Thursday, March 5, 2020


For Reading me and my group worked on activity, it's about writing when island will sink. enjoy!

My Pepeha

These Is My Pepeha!!!

Monday, March 2, 2020


Room 7 and I, watched a video about six ways to start a sentence and had to write two. these here are my sentence.

Who do you think is the most powerful super villain?

Before School, I ate my breakfast. 

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Why Swimming Is Important!

Why Is Swimming important? Swimming is important because it is a good physical sport and it Keeps your heart rate up but takes some of the impact stress off your body. builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness. helps maintain a healthy weight, healthy heart and lungs. It is also important to swim because of climate change, islands are sinking because of climate change.

Do you have to pay for swimming lessons? well for some schools people have to pay for swimming lessons to be taught how to swim. But these days some schools are very lucky to have free swimming lessons everyday and anytime. Kids from around the world are now suffering and drowning because they have a school that doesn’t have any swimming lessons to be taught to any of them.

Now that the sea levels are rising and increasing everybody needs to learn how to swim to survive something bad that will happen to them. Sometimes young children really want to learn how to swim but they have to pay. I’ll say some schools in New Zealand that have free swimming lessons are very lucky. because When Large natural disasters happen you are able to swim to safety and save yourself. 

Monday, February 17, 2020

My Weekend

I started my weekend by going to a swimming lesson on Saturday, laps after laps until my time was finished. After that I changed myself and my family and I traveled to Sylvia Park to eat lunch at Casablanca. Casablanca is a wonderful Arab Berbers restaurant, I ordered a chicken kabab with a side of fries with aioli sauce which was delicious but I also saved room for desert, for desert I ordered a vanilla ice cream with baklava as soon as I took a bite my taste buds explode with flavor. After we headed home with a full stomach and we ended the day by relaxing for the rest of the day.    

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Water Fun Day.

Yesterday Glenbrae school had an event called water fun day. Water fun day is where everyone in Glenbrae School contributes to this event. Everyone has to represent their house colour by wearing their house colour clothing. On our water fun day we had 5 challenging activities to participate in, in each activity there's a timer so you and your team how to try and go your fastest. Everyone gathered around the courts and assembled themselves to their house groups like Rata, Kowhai, Kauri and Nikau. To win the battle you and your house have to fill these buckets of water. The house with the most water wins.

Our first activity was a “Water Slide” hosted by Miss Autohiva. How to play is You have to slide down this slide with a cup full of water and you have to try your best to not spill any water out of the cup.

Our second activity was called “Lava Flow” Hosted by Miss Kyee. The instruction to play this game is you scoop water with a cup and jump into these hoops trying not to spill any water. Then after jumping you run up to the buckets and fill them up with what's left in the cup.

Our third activity was “Up And Over” Miss Repata  how to play is you have a sponge that’s soak full of water and your house has to make a path and 

Our fourth activity was “Holy Moly”  hosted by Mr Nath. In this activity there is a cup that has holes in it when you fill it up you need to run as fast as you can before your cup is empty. There are also cones that you have run in between then you can fill up your house bucket.

Our last activity was “Water Bomb” hosted by Miss Smith. You and your team has to pass a water balloon and try not to pop it by dropping it once you done that you can run to the bucket and fill up a cup and run to your house bucket and fill it up.

Once it was over we were left with points we rallied up back to the the courts and the teacher annonce what team won which was Nikau but we had fun and we’re all winners. 


Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Having Fun With Kiwi Can

We started our kiwi can with knowing our new theme which is "Positive Relationship"  and our new topic  "Fair Play" then after we played a little energizer called 21. but this time Room 7 split themselves into a girl team and a boy team and see you would come out on top but the lucky girls won this round but also there was new rules to the game

New rules to 21: 
Cannot help your teammates.
You can only say 2 numbers at a time.

Our next activity was human bowling we played this activity outside. How to win this game is trying to to roll a ball at someones leg or if they flinch they're OUT. the boys has defeated the girls this round.

But we ended with a tie so we played one last activity which was end of the road. You are ask questions about your general knowledge the boys lost the battle but one day we will strike back.

But left Kiwi Can like Winners.